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When permanent bridges are not possible, Bailey bridges, a sort of portable, prefabricated truss bridge, are used all over the world to offer temporary crossings for cars and pedestrians. Bailey bridges are essential for linking isolated districts in Kolkata and West Bengal, particularly in times of emergency such as natural catastrophes or when repairing existing infrastructure is necessary. At 5,602 meters (18,379 feet) above sea level, a Bailey bridge that spans the Suru and Dras rivers in Ladakh, India, is the highest bridge in the world. It was constructed by the Indian Army in 1982.The oldest bridge in Kolkata is the Howra bridge.Consulting engineers M/s. Rendell, Palmer, and Tritton developed the new Howrah Bridge. The bridge took eight years to build, requiring 26,000 tons of steel, of which 18,200 tons were of high tensile quality.A massive steel bridge that spans the Hooghly River, the Howrah Bridge is a well-known landmark in Kolkata. It is regarded as one of the world's longest cantilever bridges. It is also referred to as Rabindra Setu and it links Kolkata and Howrah. Every day, it transports 100,000 cars and countless pedestrians.

Bailey Bridges in Kolkata and West Bengal:

Due to its varied terrain, kolkata and West Bengal has difficulty connecting isolated locations, particularly during the monsoon when rivers flood and render existing bridges impassable. Bailey bridges are a quick fix for this issue, making sure that residents in outlying areas are not cut off in an emergency.In Howrah, Kolkata and West Bengal, Bridge and Roof Co. has an integrated, self-sufficient facility with a 7800 MT annual manufacturing capacity. The Director General of Border Roads has granted the company the necessary technical certifications and permits for the Design, Manufacture, and Supply of Unit Type Bailey Bridge. The Company produces and distributes Unit Type Bailey Bridges to customers in numerous areas, including Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Sikkim, and Bhutan, in addition to New Delhi. Additionally, the Indian Railways are provided with many types of Railway Wagons, including BOXN, BTPN, and BOBYN, which are made to order.

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Key Features of Bailey Bridges:

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  • Portability:
  • Bailey bridges are designed to be easily transportable and can be quickly assembled using simple tools.

  • Versatility:
  • These bridges can be customized to span different lengths and can bear heavy loads, making them suitable for a variety of situations.

  • Durability:
  • Bailey bridges are made of steel, making them durable and resistant to corrosion, ensuring a long service life.

  • Quick Installation:
  • These bridges can be installed rapidly, often within a matter of days, providing a temporary solution to connectivity problems

    Bailey Bridge Services in Kolkata and West Bengal:

    In Kolkata and West Bengal, Bailey bridges are often used during the construction or repair of permanent bridges to ensure that traffic flow is not disrupted. These bridges are also deployed during events like the Kolkata and West Bengal International Trade Fair, where temporary infrastructure is required to manage the increased volume of traffic. Bailey Bridge Services are mostly offered by VR Global in Kolkata, West Bengal, Odisha, Jharkhand, and Bihar. With our expertise in prefabricated, movable truss bridges, we can assemble them quickly and effectively without the use of heavy machinery or specialized skills.An iconic landmark in Kolkata, the Howrah Bridge is a huge steel bridge over the Hooghly River. It is considered to be one of the longest cantilever bridges in the world. Also known as Rabindra Setu, it connects Howrah and Kolkata.

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    Advantages of Bailey Bridges:

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  • Cost-Effective:
  • Bailey bridges are often more cost-effective than building permanent bridges, making them an attractive option for temporary crossings.Howrah Bridge was the third-longest cantilever bridge (now sixth) in the world when it was built. Tata Steel supplied 26,500 tons of steel for this purpose. Around that time, the entire process of construction cost around Rs. 25 million, which made it a pioneering marvel bridge in India.

  • Quick Deployment:
  • These bridges can be quickly deployed, reducing the time taken to restore connectivity in remote areas.The new bridge will probably be positioned with a 20-meter space between it and the Second Hooghly Bridge, also known as Vidyasagar Setu, according to Manoj Agarwal, managing director of WBHDC, the project's nodal agency. The approximate cost will be Rs 800 crore.


    Bailey bridges play a crucial role in providing temporary connectivity in Kolkata and West Bengal, especially during emergencies or when existing infrastructure needs repair. With their portability, versatility, and durability, these bridges provide a cost-effective and sustainable solution to the connectivity challenges faced by the region.With several tenders and projects pertaining to Bailey Bridge repair, transportation, and maintenance, Bailey Bridge services appear to be rather active in Kolkata and West Bengal. These projects involve firms like Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd (GRSE) and government departments like the Public Works Department (PWD). Patch work, the delivery of Bailey Bridge parts, and other associated civil works are among the services needed. In order to participate in the bidding process, vendors can obtain documents and seek further information. The tenders have set dates.

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